
How To Find The Right Journal For My Paper

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Sometimes, finding a topic for a enquiry paper tin be the almost challenging part of the whole process. When y'all're looking out at a field brimming with possibilities, it'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to get overwhelmed. Lucky for you, nosotros here at wikiHow have come with a listing of ways to selection that topic that will accept you from the more vague brainstorming all the way to your specific, perfectly focused research question and thesis.

  1. one

    Your textbook, syllabus, and class notes can help you notice a topic. If yous're writing your newspaper for a grade, skim through your course materials to run across what sparks your involvement. Major bookish journals in your subject area might as well give you ideas for a topic.[i]

    • If your textbook has discussion questions at the cease of each affiliate, these tin be great to rummage through for potential inquiry paper topic ideas.
    • Await at any recommended reading your instructor has suggested—you might find ideas there as well.


  1. ane

    Run an net search or talk to your teacher. Scholars in a subject area always know what issues are really hot in the field at any given time. If yous want to write something more cutting edge, focus on these newly emerging issues.[2]

    • Call back about electric current events that touch on your field of study likewise. For case, if you lot're writing a enquiry paper for a sociology course, you might want to write something related to race in America or the Black Lives Thing movement.
    • Other instructors in the same department or field might also have ideas for yous. Don't exist afraid to finish in during their role hours and talk or send them an email, even if you've never had them for a form.
  1. i

    Beingness active can stimulate your mind to focus on topic ideas. If y'all've been churning through materials and just can't come upward with something that really strikes y'all, taking a break volition help. And enquiry shows walking volition boost your creative thinking by as much as 60%![3]

    • If yous want to walk with a friend and discuss topic ideas as you lot walk, that tin assistance as well. Sometimes, y'all'll come with new things when you can bounce your ideas off someone else.


  1. 1

    Bounce ideas off of people you know to get their thoughts. Talking to other people is a keen fashion to work through your general ideas and figure out more specifically what you lot might desire to write your paper on. Pay particular attending to whatsoever questions they ask—those tin can be swell at generating enquiry topics.[4]

    • People who aren't really familiar with the general discipline y'all're researching tin can be helpful besides! Because they aren't making many assumptions, they might bring upwardly something you lot'd overlooked or not thought about before.
  1. 1

    Ready a timer for v or 10 minutes and write without stopping. Don't worry about editing or creating something polished—no one has to meet this simply you lot. Do this for each of your topic ideas. When the timer goes off, assess how you experience. Did yous desire to proceed writing, or did you have to forcefulness yourself to keep going? How much about the topic practice you already know? What are you curious almost?[5]

    • Having a personal involvement in the topic will keep y'all from getting bored. You'll do better inquiry—and write a better paper—if you lot're excited about the topic itself.


  1. 1

    Search online for groundwork articles nigh topics y'all like. You might have several topics you're thinking about—getting some background can help! Brand sure the topic fits in with your assignment for your paper and that in that location are still unanswered questions out there. Mostly, yous don't desire to write nigh something that's already been researched extensively.[6]

    • Ideally, based on your background research, yous'll exist able to choose one of the topics that interests yous the near. If you still can't narrow information technology down, keep reading!
    • Even though you wouldn't want to employ them every bit sources for your actual paper, sources like Wikipedia can be excellent for getting background information about a topic.
  1. 1

    Jot down words related to your topic to search for sources. For some topics, you'll include proper nouns, such every bit the proper noun of a specific person you're researching. If your topic is more conceptual, on the other paw, include synonyms equally well equally the specific terminology you lot programme to use in your paper.[7]

    • For example, if you've chosen ecology regulations as a topic, you might likewise include keywords such as "conservation," "pollution," and "nature."


  1. 1

    Search online or on library databases and review your results. Employ your keywords to notice out how much inquiry has already been done on the topic yous're thinking virtually. This preliminary research can also give yous some sources for your newspaper.[8]

    • Your results might also suggest other keywords you can search to find more than sources. Searching for specific terminology used in articles you find often leads to other manufactures.
    • Check the bibliography of any papers you find to pick up some other sources you might be able to employ.
  1. i

    Narrow your topic to a specific time period, geographic area, or population. If you're getting hundreds of results on your topic, try another search with something more specific. You might demand to narrow your topic in more than one manner to find something narrow plenty that you lot can exercise it justice in your research newspaper.[9]

    • For instance, suppose you decided to look at race relations in the U.s.a. during the Trump administration. If you got too many results, you might narrow your results to a single US city or state.
    • Keep in mind how long your research paper volition ultimately be. For case, if in that location'south an unabridged volume written on a topic you want to write a twenty-page inquiry paper on, information technology'south probably likewise broad.


  1. 1

    Broaden your scope if you're not getting enough results from your keywords. Sometimes, you'll type in your keywords and only get a handful of results—or worse, zippo at all! If yous were doing an original study, this would be smashing. But you can't write a research newspaper without sources, so if you're non getting a lot of hits, you'll have to cast a broader internet.[10]

    • For example, suppose y'all wanted to enquiry the impact of a particular environmental law on your hometown, but when you lot did a search, y'all didn't get any quality results. You might expand your search to cover the entire land or region, rather than but your hometown.
  1. 1

    Run another search based on the information you've gained. Really, you lot tin do this at the same fourth dimension that you're limiting or expanding your topic. At this phase, your research is more about experimenting and staying flexible so you can find the best angle of approach that will yield results y'all tin can use.[eleven]

    • For instance, you might practise an initial search and get hundreds of results dorsum and decide your topic is besides wide. So, when yous limit it, you get next to naught and figure out you've narrowed it too much, so you have to augment information technology a niggling bit again.
    • Stay flexible and keep going until you've plant that happy medium that you think will work for your paper.


  1. ane

    Utilise the 5 West's (who, what, when, where, and why) to write your question. You don't have to respond all of these questions, simply they can help you narrow your focus. Ultimately, this research question will be the driving force behind your research and your unabridged newspaper.[12]

    • For example, your enquiry question might be something like "How did ecology regulations touch the living conditions of people living near newspaper mills?" This question covers "who" (people living near paper mills), "what" (living atmospheric condition), "where" (near paper mills), and "why" (environmental regulations).
  1. one

    Write down commendation data as you work. Even sources that you find in your preliminary inquiry might end up beingness something you use in your terminal paper. Writing down the citation information also ensures that y'all tin find the source again if you desire to refer back to it.[13]

    • At this point, your listing is still a "working" list. You won't necessarily utilize all the sources y'all discover in your bodily newspaper.
    • Building a working list of sources is also helpful if you want to employ a source and can't immediately get access to it. If y'all have to get information technology through your professor or request it from some other library, you have fourth dimension to do then.


  1. ane

    Your thesis is the answer to your inquiry question. Once you've got a picayune chip of research under your belt, you should be able to decide how you want to answer your research question. So, you'll do boosted research to prove or disprove your thesis.[14]

    • For example, suppose your research question is "How did ecology regulations affect the living atmospheric condition of people living about paper mills?" Your thesis might be something like: "Ecology regulations improved living conditions for people living around newspaper mills."
    • Equally another example, suppose your enquiry question is "Why did hate crimes fasten in the US from 2017 to 2020?" Your thesis might be: "A permissive attitude towards racial supremacy caused a spike in hate crimes in the Us from 2017 to 2020."
    • Continue in mind, you don't have to prove that your thesis is correct. Proving that your thesis was wrong can brand for an even more compelling research paper, especially if your thesis follows conventional wisdom.

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  • If you've been given a listing of topics but you come upwards with something dissimilar that you want to do, don't be agape to talk to your instructor about it! The worst that will happen is that they'll make you lot choose something from the list instead.[15]


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