
How To Find Out What Kind Of Laptop I Have

Are you struggling to figure out what type of laptop you have? Luckily, there are plenty of methods for working information technology out without breaking a sweat! Throughout this post, nosotros volition be going over the different ways you can go about identifying what blazon of laptop you have.

How To Find Out What Type Laptop I Have

Detect The Laptop Sticker Underneath Your Laptop

This is perhaps the easiest method for figuring out your exact laptop's brand and model. By examining your laptop'south outer-shell, you should exist able to find the imprinted series sticker on it. Depending on what type of laptop you accept, you may only find the model number imprinted on the shell afterwards S/North. If then, you lot can e'er practise a quick search for that model number to identify the verbal production you lot have. Doing a search volition likely lead you directly to the manufacturer's website.

how to find laptop model
Acer Laptop Model Serial Number & Details

Look Inside The Shell

Some laptops (usually Windows) have various stickers located virtually or even on the palm rests. Cheque to see whether or not yours does. This might give y'all pertinent information to distinguish what model of laptop you have. Commonly, you volition discover the specific Key Processing Unit (CPU) and potentially even the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) that you can find in your laptop.

Go Through The Control Console

For those that accept older laptops with stickers or serial numbers that have worn off, you can e'er cheque for the model number inside the control console if you have a Windows operating organization. This is a reliable way to check for your serial number regardless if you have other means of identifying the exact model number. The procedure is very piece of cake and quick.

For Windows 10 Users:

Steps: Open Control Panel (type "Control Panel" into the search bar) > Click on "System"

For Windows 7 Users:

Steps: Open up Control Panel > Click on "System and Security" > Click on "System"

Utilize Windows System Data

This specific area is going to give you a detailed list of the specifications of your electric current laptop. The downside is that this listing can be convoluted if you aren't entirely sure what you are looking at. That being said, you will be able to find the model number by sorting through it. By using the steps we discuss below, you can easily find the information you lot are looking to get.

For Windows 10 Users:

Steps: Open up Arrangement Data (blazon "System Information" into the search bar) > Click on "System Information" > Look for the field titled "System Model"

For Windows eight Users:

Steps: Use Search (type "msinfo32" into the search bar) > Click on the result "msinfo32" > Look for the field titled "Model"

For Windows seven Users:

Steps: Head over to "Search" > Enter "Organization Data" into the field > Cull "Organisation Data" From Results > Place "Organisation Model" Field

Get Laptop Serial Number From Command Promt

This Works for The Following Laptops: Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba

  • If you tin turn your laptop on, open the command prompt by searching for "CMD".
  • When Command Prompt is opened simply type "wmic bios get serialnumber" (without quotes) and hit return, information technology will brandish your Acer laptops serial number
get windows serial number bios

For Microsoft Surface Devices

  • Open the Surface app
  • Locate & click on the feedback push which is on the left
  • Your serial number will be present nether 'Your Surface Device' as well as other device info such as SKU.
microsoft surface to get serial number


Why Do I Need To Know My Laptop Model?

1. Servicing Requests

You need to be able to identify the model that y'all have if you are in demand of service. Later all, y'all volition need to know what manufacturer/brand to contact in regards to getting your laptop stock-still.

They will request the information on your laptop model when they are initiating their Return Merchandise Potency (RMA). Therefore, y'all need to accept the exact model number in order to properly identify what laptop you have. They might fifty-fifty need to know what your serial number is in order to effigy out whether or not your laptop is currently under warranty.

2. Drivers

If you have a Windows laptop, you are going to demand to know your laptop's model number in order to identify the right drivers to select.

While Windows 10 does download the drivers yous need automatically, you may find yourself wanting or needing to manually install them yourself. Having the right model number of your laptop volition let you to find the right drivers from the manufacturer's website.

3. Selling Your Laptop

In guild to sell your laptop, you are going to need to give the prospective buyers this information. After all, they need to know what they are buying and you need to know exactly what you are selling.

Having the model number volition give you the details y'all need to have in lodge to price your laptop properly within the marketplace.

Even so Can't Find Your Laptop Model Number Later All Of This?

If you lot have tried and wearied all of the dissimilar methods above for finding the model number and yous are yet at a loss, y'all still take a last resort.

It is very likely that you have establish the brand/manufacturer of the laptop through the methods above or by merely looking at the logo on your laptop.

Y'all can practise several things. For ane, yous can get into contact with them and give them the data you lot practise have. Yous can also look for your purchase receipt of the laptop if you yet have information technology. If you have the buy receipt, information technology is very likely written on it.

You can besides consider taking your laptop into a repair technician. They may be able to place the laptop model for you. This is a reliable way to find it.

They volition probable be able to use the BIOS in order to notice out the exact model and make of your laptop. While y'all could use this method yourself, information technology is much more technical and y'all can actually mess things upward if you do it wrong.

As yous can see, at that place are enough of ways to easily identify the model of your laptop. If you lot discover yourself in a state of affairs where you need to either send your laptop in for repair or y'all are in a state of affairs where you are trying to sell it, yous desire to be able to identify the make and model.

Use the methods above and you should exist well on your way to finding the exact model and the private series number of your laptop.


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